Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A long time ago, before any king and queens, before Egypt, before the 
 first homo sapiens, about 600 000-350 000 years ago,in Europe, were
 standing the Homo Neanderthals, they had a bigger brain then ours, 
and twice as much survival capacity as we do but still, they got extinct. 
Why did they get extinct and we didn't? That's what the scientist of our
 time are trying to answer.And now because of a lot of research, we 
know the answer!!!!! Neanderthals leaved for quit a long time, but even
 if they had bigger brains then ours,They didn't use the most important 
parts of their brain, for  example the speech  and language part of
 their brain, So they couldn't communicate like we do and their tools
weren't as advancedso a lot of them died will hunting. But the two
main reasons of why we survived are our diet and the climate.
At the time homo sapiens moved next to the see and began to eat
 almost only berries and most incredibly... Cooked shell fishes!!!!
 And because they were big ties there, it means that they were smart
 enough to know exactly when to go take the selfish, because if they
didn't do it on the right time, they would have drowned. But to know
when the tides were low it means that they studied the moon patterns,
 they got smarter! Also, Because of their new environment, they
began creating new tools. Not like all of the other early humans 
whom had problems adapting to their environment,Homo sapiens 
could easily adapt,so It's why We are the last human standing!!

"Last Human Standing." Becoming a Human. PBS NOVA. 31 Aug. 2011. Television.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

From Grunt to grammar

Since the beginning of time, communication was one of the most important thing for human survival. But when and how did the first human learn to talk? To answer this question scientists study our ancestors body, more exactly their voice, also called Larynx box and their brain cavities. A very interesting fact about voice box is that the Adams apple found in the boys through is in fact the larynx  that is now that they are older, little bit down. As said in the article " There's some evidence that areas of the brain evolved in homo Habilis, the earliest human. So eve two and a half million years ago, our ancestors probably had at least the beginning of speech and language capabilities". What we also discovered is that early humans used, hands, facial expressions and language to communicate with others. We also Know that Early humans drew on cave walls, was it to communicate with others or just for pleasure, who knows?

Miller, Jeanne. "From Grunts to Grammar: The Evolution of Language." Odyssey 
     Adventures in Science: 34-36. Print.

Monday, November 7, 2011

On our own two feet

]=ave you ever wondered: Why are we the only ones to walk on two feet? Well, today I'm going to answer your question!!! The first thing you should know is that we got this ability of walking on 2 legs from a long, long, long time ago, it comes from the ancestor of human race. Warning, we do not come from chimps, we can say we are very, very, very old cousins that shared a very ancient ancestor. Chimps have a wholl in their back skull this hole called foramen magnum, it allows them to walk on 4 feets, we also have one but ours doesnt move as the chimp's it's why we walk on 2 feet. But why did we become bipedals? A very famous theory created by C.Owen Lovejoy, states that early humans needed to free their hands from carriying food to their tribes and to see over the grass of the savana to check if they're safe.

Whitt, Stephen. "On Our Own Two Feet." odyssey: 26-28. Print.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Who's among the Early Hominids
by Randall Susman
Odyssey Adventures in Science

They are many species of early humans:Sathelanthropus tchadensis, Orrorin tugenensis, Ardipithecus, Paranthropus, Kenyapithecus platyops, Australopithecus,Homo Erectus ,Homo Habillis, Homo rudolfensis Homo georgicus, Homo  florosiensis and Homo neanderthalensis.The Sathelanthropus tchadensis were discovered for the first time in Africa, they are beetween 6 and 7 million years old. Their brain was really small compared to ours and they are still debats on their ability to walk. Still found in Africa, the Orrorin tugenensis is  between 5.8 and 6.1 million years old. By looking at the position of the skull we also know that they were bipeds that were able to climb trees.  The Ardipithecus were found in Ethiopia and were about 4.4 million years old.We don't know a lot about them. The paranthropus were about 2 million years old, they were first found in Kenya. They were mostly vegetarians and were bipedal. The Kenyapithecus platyops were also found in Kenya and lived about 3.5 million years ago., it is all we know about them.  Australopithecus lived during about 2 million years between 4 million years ago to 2 million years ago. According to Randall Susman, "Two species of this group Australopithecus anamesis and Australopithecus afarensis are the most ancient.Athird species Australopithecus africanus is more recent". They were discovered in Chad and were bipeds. Homo Erectus were 1.8 million years old and were technically more advanced. Homo habilis were bipedal that could make and use tools, they had bigger brains and ate meet.Homo rudolfensis, as all the other homo lived about 2 million years ago. Homo georgicus lived around 1.8 million years ago," they are closse H.Habilis in brain Size". Homo florosiensis were dated 18000 years old but had physical features of a homo. Homo neanderthalensis are the closest to humans, they live between 250000 and 30000 years ago.

Susman, Randall. "Who's Who Among the Early Hominins." Odyssey Adventures in
Science Oct. 2009: 22-25. Print.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why We Study Human Origins by Randall Susman Calliope: Exploring World History Article
This very interesting article tells us about the early humans and the studies made on them. By reading this article I learned that by studying fossils we can know that our earliest ancestors looked like,behaved, lived and adapted to their surroundings. But we can also learn more by comparing behavior of living animals. I also learned that before archeologists discovered the first skeletons, people relied upon religious teachings and myths to explain the beginning of humanity 
In the 1800s Charles Darwin  developed Theory of Evolution ( The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed (online dictionary) )by observing plants and animals.Another scientist, Thomas Henry Huxley proposed that apes and humans anatomically more similar than apes and monkeys

From all of this, many historians came up with theories about our ancestors, they "were tree-dwelling apes, or four-legged knuckle walkers, or even bipeds that lived in water." This shows that finally humans aren't so different from animals, in fact they are parallel to them.

 Susman, Randall. "Why We Study Human Origins." Calliope: Exploring World History Sept. 1999: 4-5. Print.