Monday, November 7, 2011

On our own two feet

]=ave you ever wondered: Why are we the only ones to walk on two feet? Well, today I'm going to answer your question!!! The first thing you should know is that we got this ability of walking on 2 legs from a long, long, long time ago, it comes from the ancestor of human race. Warning, we do not come from chimps, we can say we are very, very, very old cousins that shared a very ancient ancestor. Chimps have a wholl in their back skull this hole called foramen magnum, it allows them to walk on 4 feets, we also have one but ours doesnt move as the chimp's it's why we walk on 2 feet. But why did we become bipedals? A very famous theory created by C.Owen Lovejoy, states that early humans needed to free their hands from carriying food to their tribes and to see over the grass of the savana to check if they're safe.

Whitt, Stephen. "On Our Own Two Feet." odyssey: 26-28. Print.

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