Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why We Study Human Origins by Randall Susman Calliope: Exploring World History Article
This very interesting article tells us about the early humans and the studies made on them. By reading this article I learned that by studying fossils we can know that our earliest ancestors looked like,behaved, lived and adapted to their surroundings. But we can also learn more by comparing behavior of living animals. I also learned that before archeologists discovered the first skeletons, people relied upon religious teachings and myths to explain the beginning of humanity 
In the 1800s Charles Darwin  developed Theory of Evolution ( The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed (online dictionary) )by observing plants and animals.Another scientist, Thomas Henry Huxley proposed that apes and humans anatomically more similar than apes and monkeys

From all of this, many historians came up with theories about our ancestors, they "were tree-dwelling apes, or four-legged knuckle walkers, or even bipeds that lived in water." This shows that finally humans aren't so different from animals, in fact they are parallel to them.

 Susman, Randall. "Why We Study Human Origins." Calliope: Exploring World History Sept. 1999: 4-5. Print.

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