Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today I woke up at 5:30 am , I began melting the rocks and separating the metal copper from the rocks, then I mixed the copper with the metal that we call "Tin". I do that everyday, It's my job, I make this mettal called bronze and then make weapons,tools,helmets and sheilds, but the biggest part of my job is trading all of those objects. Then at 11:00 Pm I stope my morning activities to start heading foward the market. I find it incredible this new invention called "the wheel" because of this, tradings much easier and faster to bring and cary the bronze object. So, as I entered with my cart in the market, the market was fool of hundred of people trading their personal goods. I went too my usual spot and stayed there seing hundred of people coming to my stand trading some of their goods against my great bronze objects, for about 8 hours I first stopped to the fruit and vegetable stand trade a bronz knife against some food to make a soup for my family tonight, then I stopped to trade some meat, finally because of todays fabulous affairs, I decided to go trade my best weapon and sheild to get a two meter squared bed for my companion and I. I went back to my home , my companion made diner and after went to sleep early to have energy for an other day at work

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