Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Enheduana of Sumer

Enheduanna was the first author that ever existed, she wrote 42 poems in totall. She was the daughter of king Sargon, a farm boy that had raised to power. In inverse to her 2 younger brothers she was very talented and when she grew into a teenager she was sent to Ur, the most sacred city of summer. She soon became a very important high priestess of the god of the moon. She lived in the highest room of the Zigurat, so she could stay close to the gods. She organized a lot of religious ceremonies, and an exeptionaly big one for new year. During her freetime she wrote poems, but not on paper, on clay tablets, she was a very popular writter at her time, archaeologists were able to find more than 50 of her same work. She was a priestess for 25 years, sadly, when her nephew became king, we suppose that she finished her life in exhile in the desert.
Site: Leon, Vicki. "Enheduana of Sumer." Women of Ancient Times. By Vicki Leon. New York: Hold, 2010. 
49-53. Print.

The best Confectioner Career Opportunity Right Here!!!
Deadline: 20 days
You are a confectioner and you need a job? Well we give you the best opportunity you’ll ever have!!! You’ll need to work from 7 am to 7pm every day and would receive 2 pieces of meat and 3 fruits per day!!! The only thing you need to give us is your experience and training!!!
To apply, come to The Big Red House Next to the Tree or send us a letter.

Experienced baker needed
Deadline: in a week
You like baking? You need a job? Well we need you! Come and Work at the Villages Big Bakery, from 5 am-7pm. You will receive 1 loaf of bread, one small bag of grains and 2 fruits each day.
You do not need any special qualification, just motivation!!!
To apply send a letter to The Big Bakery Of The Village.

Urgent!!! Experienced female singer needed!!!!
Deadline: 3 days
The king needs a professional female singer for his orchestra which will be performing in 3 weeks at his personal party. The auditions will be in 3 days and the person chosen will be covered with food and jewelries.
For more information come talk to the palace’s secretary.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hammurabi's Babylonia

King Hammurabi was on of world's greatest ruler, he was the king of Babylonia in 1792 B.C. He was the cause of some great improvements in Arts, science, commerce and created many rules, also known as "The code of Hammurabi". Hammurabi seriously helped Babylonia to have some good agriculture by having some good irrigation systems and always checking if there were good farm lands. Because the agriculture was so good, they had surplus that they stored and traded, it's one of the reasons that Babylonia became an important trading center. And because the trades were working so well the economy flourished. The economy was so great that Babylonia was able to construct some magnificent temples and palaces.
At this time "kings, high priests, wealthy upper class families, and some well placed government official had splendid homes and wore the finest garments." Then came the craft-workers, farmers, tradespeople, clerks and merchant, they lived in quite simple house and really had to work hard to be able to feed there families. Finally slaves were the lowest rung, but compared to other places, they had some rights, they could have some "after-work jobs" and could buy there own freedom. Hammurabi even tried to give some women rights, for example woman were able to have there own money.

In conclusion, Hammurabi was a very fair ruler at his time and  made Babylonia's economic, trade and agriculture flourish.