Thursday, September 29, 2011

Here Is an other discovery!

You wont believe me.... I have another discovery to share!!!!! Some archeologist found 2 new fossils of early humans in Africa. A 3 000 000 years old female adult and and a 3 000 000 years old male child. Those fossils made us discover new things about  Australopithecus Sediba ( what they were) : They have long thumbs, they had a brain that looked very much like ours but one quarter smaller, we also discovered that they were able to climb trees and walk on 2 foot, finally they say that their is a possibility that they were already making and using tools!!! One of the most incredible things about this discovery is that they found a sample of fossilized skin, this sample is now in laboratory to be checked. But all of those new ideas and discoveries make people disagree and argue!!! Like Harvard, George Washington University and many others. What do YOU think?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Huge Gladiator school found Buried in Austria

Archeologists just discovered a Huge gladiator school buried in Austria that was probably created in 150 A.D. It is the size of 2 Wall marts ( or two shopping malls) !!!! You might ask the question "How did they find the totality of the school?". And to answer the question I would say that they used tractor-mounted radar equipment that penetrates the earth to produce three-dimensional images of buried objects. Those machines made archeologists discover the school's many rooms, an amphitheater, a courtyard. a campus for animals. But what will probably make them discover the most is the cemetery..... What are we going to discover!?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How historians learn about the past

Today's question is.... How do historians learn about the past? Historians learn about the past by using sources, sources are divided into two groups: written and non written. Written sources are anything like books, letters, songs, poems, speeches, business/ government paper, posters, magazines, newspapers, blogs, maps, adds... Non written sources are : fossils, artifacts, tombs, cities and oral tradition.
But those are only the main two groups, after that historians will separate them again into two different groups: primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are the sources produced at the same time than the event, they are the most valuable and important. Secondary sources are the sources that were created by people that studied the primary sources.
There are three questions that a historian will first ask when he finds a source those questions are : Is it accurate? Is it valid? Is it reliable?
After that they will ask : What kind of source is it? When was the source produced? Where was the source produced? Why was the source produced? Who produced the source ?
If they are able to answer all of those question, a historian can say that he discovered a new part of history!

Monday, September 19, 2011

why did people settled in some specific places?

Hello, today I'm going to try to answer the question "Why did people settled in some specific places?". The first thing that I would say to answer this question would be that at th time they mostly lived with farming, they used it to feed their families and/or to sell it in markets so they needed a good and fertile land with a water source not to far away and also more importantly a good climate. But even people that didn't farm used natural resources to; build cities and houses, make weapons. One of the most important thing was for the city to be protected from enemies by being on a mountain or surrounded by water. Example, Romans might have settled in the place that is now called Serbia, because it has a pretty good climate, the land is fertile, there is a lot of natural resources and their are 2 huge rivers. And Incas and Mayas might have settled in the place that is now called Mexico because their are protected and hidden by the tries of the jungle and the jungle is fool of thousands of natural resources.People of the past used those criteria to know where to build their city. Quite hard to find a good place to live, don't you think so?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Understanding History and Archaeology

Last humanities class, the teacher asked us a really interesting question: What is history and why do we study it?
First I would say that history is the study of the past. It' the study of important people, events and ideas, in the past. I think it's very important to study history because it's the key to help us solve the future or present issues, by gathering evidence and finding patterns. It shows how everything started, changed, improved, how humans evolved and what we could do to evolve even more .It helps us understand what is happening now and it also help's us to be open minded and understand different cultures and to be creative. I personally love history because it is full of incredible stories and mysteries ,that are really interesting and make you learn while having fun!!!

So in conclusion I think  that history is one of the most interesting and important thing on earth  and as Sigmund Freud says "Only a good-for-nothing is not interested in his past." witch I interpret as meaning " History is so great, interesting and important, that only idiots wouldn't be interested in it"